I'm flippin creative! I swear!

There's nothing more satisfying to me than to dive into the creative flow. Ideas keep bubbling up, and I run with it.

Unfortunately, sometimes, the proverbial creative flow runs dry. And all that's left is cracked dirt and dusty rock.

No matter what I do, my creative efforts are useless and fall very very short. I've come to the conclusion that my creativity comes in waves, and like a surfer, I have to either ride the wave or it passes me by.

The waves come and go in stages like this:

Monday: I have so many ideas, I immediately start sketching and taking notes, constructing things in my head, making a plan B and plan C for every option.

Tuesday: In the midst of creating, I've lost track of time and space. There is only creating. I don't have time to eat, and get mad when I have to pee. I'll do laundry tomorrow.

Wednesday: More ideas flow in and I'm nearly overwhelmed by the sheer amount. I want to start more projects, but feel the need to finish the 5 or 6 I've already started. I missed lunch again. Dang! time to make dinner.

Thursday: I've neglected the house, the pets, the man, and it's time to make up for it, but I gotta work on one.. more.. thing.....

Friday: Suddenly, I have no idea what color to use, I've tried them all. Where's the fabric I want? I can't find the right font, or the thread that I'm looking for. I'm hungry. What's on TV? Gotta check my facebook.

Saturday: Gotta catch up on laundry. and the dishes. and I should go grocery shopping. I forgot to send that e-mail.

Sunday: Creativity - 0, Cuteoverload.com - 1

It doesn't always work like that, sometimes each day = 1 month, sometimes each day = 1 hour. But that's the jist of it.

All creative types go through the high and low points (so I'm told). Luckily, over the years, I've learned a few things to do to get through the dry seasons, especially when there's a deadline.

Someday I'll share my secrets. ;)