Blogging for Bloggers

Some people out there have never read a blog. They don't have a facebook page, never thought about myspace, and might have never heard of twitter. Some people just don't take advantage of technology to communicate, or to get their information.

Ask any professional graphic designer what a client can do to boost SEO for their web based business, and 10 times out of 10, the list will include blogging.

Not everyone is a natural storyteller. So how does one start blogging? And not just writing down things like a diary, but successfully blogging, and having others follow them? says:
"When writing your blog posts, make sure each individual post can stand alone by offering valuable content. This will help your SEO efforts in several ways. First, you'll be adding relevant, keyword-rich content to your blog. Secondly, people will be more inclined to link to your blog if it offers value. This will improve your link popularity, which in turn will boost your search engine rankings."

Did that help at all? Yes and No. Sometimes I find it difficult to just have any spare TIME to write a blog, much less offer valuable content. So yeah, we get why it's good to blog. But really, how do you start blogging effectively?

- Be honest an open. Speak about what you know, what you're interested in, and what you're passionate about. If you don't know enough about the subject, do a little research!

- Consider your target audience. No matter who they are, or what they do, consider who'll be reading your blog and speak to them.

- Don't plagiarize. This should go without saying, but many of us are stuck on the right phrase-ology and are tempted to copy and paste. If this happens, at least provide your source. Try to come up with original wording based on your research.

- Keep it short. Don't wax on and on in an endless block of text. Break it up, and therefore make it easier to read.

- Encourage a dialog. Ask questions, facilitate commenting, and engage your readers in communication with you. Feedback from your audience is not only useful, it can help measure what you'll be blogging about next.

- Keep it fresh. New content is more valuable than old stuff. Gain a readership by offering new information, as well as getting your audience involved in contests and giveaways.

- Post more than just links. If you're wanting to direct attention away from your blog, at least tell why you're sending them away.

Be yourself when constructing your blog, and as you write more, it will gradually become natural.


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