2D Illustration for losers

Yeah, it's gilpin, making you feel like a loser again.

Don't be discouraged.  You CAN do this.  

You're riding a frickin bike, remember?  You needed training wheels at first, and soon after the training wheels were removed, you wrecked.  And wrecked.  And wrecked.  But the reason you wrecked, scraped up your elbows, knees and bruised your ego, was because you TRIED AGAIN.  

Yeah, Illustration isn't easy.  It'll piss you off so bad you gotta walk away for 10 minutes just to keep from screaming.  It takes PRACTICE.  As with anything WORTH DOING.  You think they pay you to do this cause it's easy? uhhh. no.  They pay you to do it because you're somewhat good and efficient at it, and makes everyone at work happy.  They pay you to do it because you know the difference between an anchor point and your a**hole.  They don't know.  

They don't pay you to do it because you went to college and got away with doing the least amount of work possible, with the least amount of effort.  Good luck at McDonalds.  They don't pay you because you got the degree, but because of what that degree represents - your skills.  Not nunchuck skills, not bow hunting skills.  Your dazzling skills, original thoughts, creativity.

So ask yourself: What will I bring to the creative table?

If your answer is: not much more than anybody else. = You want fries with that?
If your answer is: I'm damn creative and my skills will floor you. = How does your corner office look?

My advice: start now, while you're still breathing and able to do it.  Helpful hints: tutorialize yourself till you overload.


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